Fire Safety Signs

Fire Exit Signs

In the UK, fire exit signs are coloured green and white as this colour combination signifies a safe condition. They must feature a pictogram of the ‘rapidly walking man’ and an arrow. Some green fire exit signs will also feature the ‘fire exit’ text in lowercase letters. 

Fire Exit Signs are coloured green and white as this colour combination signifies a safe condition. They must feature a pictogram of the ‘rapidly walking man’ and an arrow. 

Mandatory Action Signs are blue and require you to carry out an action in order to contribute towards your safety

Warning Signs are yellow and highlight danger – in relation to fire this is normally when material is flammable, oxidising or explosive.

Prohibition Signs are red and  used to indicate prohibition, and warn you of what not to do in order to maintain safety.

Fire Equipment Signs are red and depict a flames and fire equipment, They help workers locate extinguishers, reel hoses, and other tools for putting out fires in industrial environments.

Fire Equipment Signs are red and depict a flames and fire equipment

Fire Action Notice Signs

Fire action notice signs inform employees what to do in the event of a fire. They include the emergency services phone number, nearest exit point and safe assembly point for each location where the notice is used.

The notice should be displayed in all workplaces, next to all fire alarm call points and in areas accessible to all employees (such as the staff room or entrance to each working area). The example opposite shows what a fire action notice looks like and should be filled out to ensure it is as effective as possible:

It is advised that fire action notice signs are placed next to every manual call point in the property.
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