Why Are Confined Spaces Dangerous?

Confined Spaces in the workplace pose a number of risks to the Health and Safety of those who enter them. Confined Spaces work can be very dangerous, and unfortunately deaths at work due to the Hazards found within these working areas are too common. According to The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, those who enter Confined Spaces at work are required to be competent and appropriately trained, in order to reduce the number of deaths and injuries that occur each year.

What Are Confined Spaces?

For a working area to be classed as a Confined Space it has to meet the following criteria:

  1. It is either enclosed or is largely enclosed 
  1. It has limited / restricted access & egress
  1. It has an increased risk of the following hazards;
    • Fire
    • Explosion
    • Asphyxiation
    • Loss of Consciousness
    • Drowning

The size of the space is not important. The working area could be small and restrictive, or it could be large and offer a lot of internal area. Regardless of the size of the space, if it is enclosed with limited access and egress, and has a possible risk of the above hazards, it is a Confined Space.

Some examples of common Confined Spaces include Sewers, Tunnels, Inspection Chambers, Silos, Excavations, and even Unventilated Rooms in buildings.

Fatality in a Confined Space Case Study

Noticing that there was a fault with the Crane’s hydraulic system, 2 men entered a closed compartment in order to assess the damage / repair it. The compartment was fully enclosed, and had no ventilation, with restricted access and egress. 

Water had leaked into the compartment and caused oxidisation (rusting) of the metal within the compartment; this, alongside the lack of ventilation, had depleted the Oxygen level in the air.

Quickly, 1 of the men became unconscious, whilst the other became dizzy and lightheaded but managed to escape. 2 other men attempted to rescue the unconscious worker but they were also overcome by the lack of Oxygen.

All 3 men were eventually extracted from the compartment, but 2 lost their lives.

With adequate training, PPE, and Emergency Procedures in place these deaths and injuries could have been completely prevented.

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Sam has been professionally associated with Health and Safety Training 1st for over 2 years and is involved in both course writing and tutoring. He has a multitude of both Construction and Wider Industry relevant qualifications and certifications.