What Do COSHH Symbols Mean?

COSHH is The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002. This regulation requires employers to adequately control exposure to specific substances and materials in the workplace that can cause ill health, in order to protect the health of employees, visitors, and the public. Every year according to Health and Safety Executive statistics, thousands of workers are made ill by hazardous substances at work, commonly contracting lung diseases such as asthma and cancer, and skin diseases such as dermatitis.

What Are Hazardous Substances?

Hazardous substances may be single elements, compounds or a combination/mixture of these, and are easy to recognise as their packaging should feature a warning label indicating the hazard(s) they present.

Hazardous Substances are divided into the following groups:

  • Chemicals & Products containing chemicals
  • Fumes
  • Dusts
  • Vapours
  • Mists
  • Nanotechnology
  • Gases and asphyxiating gases
  • Biological agents (bacteria, viruses, parasites)

What Are The COSHH Hazard Warning Symbols?

According to the COSHH Regulations, any hazardous substances are required to have printed warning labels on their original packaging, clearly identifying the hazards associated with that substance. Since an update in 2009, the universal COSHH Hazard Warning Symbols are:

Harmful / IrritantChemicals with this symbol may cause damage to health if they are inhaled, ingested or penetrate the skin and they may cause irritation, dizziness, or allergic reactions.
Serious Health HazardChemicals with this symbol may cause long term threats to health if inhaled, ingested or on penetrating the skin and can lead to death, affect fertility or cause cancer.
CorrosiveChemicals with this symbol may cause burns or destruction of living tissue or other materials on contact.
Dangerous to the EnvironmentChemicals with this symbol present an immediate or delayed danger to the environment.
FlammableChemicals with this symbol may catch fire on contact with air or other ignition sources and have a flashpoint below 0℃.
In liquid form they also have a flashpoint below 0℃ & a boiling point below 35℃.
OxidisingChemicals with this symbol react with other substances and could cause increased fire intensity, explosive damage or damage to living tissue.
Gas Under PressureGases with this symbol may explode when heated. When refrigerated these gases may cause cryogenic injuries.
ToxicChemicals with this symbol may cause serious health risks or death if inhaled, ingested or on penetrating the skin. 
ExplosiveChemicals with this symbol are self-reactive and may explode when dry or exposed to a flame, heat or pressure.

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Sam has been professionally associated with Health and Safety Training 1st for over 2 years and is involved in both course writing and tutoring. He has a multitude of both Construction and Wider Industry relevant qualifications and certifications.